Novel Studies

For many students, formulating an academic opinion about a 300-page novel is a difficult and intimidating task. Oftentimes, they resort to reading online summaries and, therefore, do not experience the pleasure of being whisked away to  extraordinary worlds that only books can create.

Understanding the relationship between history and books, and tying together ideas in novels to our everyday lives, makes reading an enjoyable and even life-changing experience. Our tutors are dedicated to helping your child develop critical thinking skills that will awaken a greater appreciation of stories and the authors who first imagined them.

Your child will learn how to:

  • examine the purpose of themes, symbols, and motifs in literature
  • discuss the major elements of stories, including characters, setting, plot, conflict, point-of-view, and theme
  • enhance their critical thinking skills by examining the influence of literature in our daily lives
  • analyze the historical, social, political, and personal impact of authors
  • improve their skills in grammar and spelling
  • enhance their vocabulary through daily reading and writing practices

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